Distribution costs
Distribution costs
The prices indicated freight costs are calculated to the chosen destination. This is automatically calculated according to weight. You can always see individually freight costs incurred in the cart.
Please note that we charge in addition for payment on the payment „credit card" and „PayPal" 2.5 % cost (to the total amount based) . These costs are shown in the cart before the purchase is completed separately.
Shipping times
country-code | country-name | shipping-time in days
ARG Argentina 10-12
ARM Armenia 8-12
AUS Australia 11
AUT Austria 2
BEL Belgium 2
BRA Brazil 8-12
CAN Canada 10
CHL Chile 10-12
CHN China 11
COL Colombia 10-14
HRV Croatia 4
CZE Czech Republic 2-3
DNK Denmark 2-3
EGY Egypt 8-12
EST Estonia 4-6
FIN Finland 4
FRA France 3
GEO Georgia 10-12
GBR Great Britain 2-3
GTM Guatemala 10-14
HUN Hungary 4
ISL Iceland 5-10
IND India 10-14
IRL Ireland 3-4
ISR Israel 8-12
ITA Italy 3
JPN Japan 10
KAZ Kazakhstan 8-15
KEN Kenya 10-14
KOR Korea (Republic of ) 10
KGZ Kyrgyzstan 15-19
LVA Latvia 3-5
LIE Liechtenstein 4-5
LTU Lithuania 4-6
LUX Luxembourg 2-3
MEX Mexico 8-12
MDA Moldova 10-12
NAM Namibia 10-12
NPL Nepal 10-14
NLD Netherlands 2
NZL New Zealand 10-12
NOR Norway 7-8
PER Peru 10-14
PHL Philippines 10-14
POL Poland 2-3
PRT Portugal 4-5
ROU Romania 6-8
RUS Russia 14+
SVK Slovakia 3
SVN Slovenia 3
ZAF South Africa 8-12
ESP Spain 4-5
SWE Sweden 3
CHE Switzerland 4
TWN Taiwan 8-12
TJK Tajikistan 10-14
TZA Tanzania 10-14
THA Thailand 12
UKR Ukraine 8-19
USA USA 10-12